Backup protection
A backup file can be password-protected. By default, there is no password protection for backups.
To protect the backup:
- Enter the password for the backup into the Password field. A password should consist of at least eight symbols and contain both letters (in upper and lower cases preferably) and numbers to make it more difficult to guess.
- Retype the previously entered password into the Confirm field
- To increase the security of your confidential data, you can encrypt the backup with strong industry-standard AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cryptographic algorithm. AES is available with three key lengths – 128, 192 and 256 bits to balance performance and protection as desired.
The 128-bit encryption key is sufficient for most applications. The longer the key, the more secure your data. However, the 192 and 256-bit long keys significantly slow down the backup process.
If you want to use AES encryption, choose one of the following keys:
- AES 128 – to use 128-bit encryption key
- AES 192 – to use 192-bit encryption key
- AES 256 – to use 256-bit encryption key
If you do not want to encrypt the backup and only want to protect a backup with a password, select None.
Having specified the backup protection settings, click OK.
If you try to recover data from a password-protected backup, or append an incremental backup to such a backup, the program will ask for the password in a special window, allowing access only to authorized users.