Version chain scheme
This backup scheme differs for disk backup and file backup types.
Disk backup version chain
At first the program creates the 1st full backup version. The version will be kept until you delete it manually. After that, according to the specified schedule (or when you run backup manually) the program creates: 1 full and 5 differential backup versions, then again 1 full and 5 differential backup versions and so on. The versions will be stored for 6 months. After the period the program analyzes if the oldest backup versions (except the 1st full version) may be deleted. It depends on the minimum number of versions (eight) and version chains consistency. The program deletes the oldest versions one by one after creating new versions with the same backup method (for example, the oldest differential version will be deleted after creation of the newest differential version). First of all the oldest differential versions will be deleted, then – the oldest full version.
Backup scheduler setting: monthly
Result: you have monthly backup versions for the last 6 months plus the initial full backup version that may be kept for a longer period.
Required storage space: depends on the number of versions and their sizes
File backup version chain
According to the specified schedule (or when you run backup manually) the program creates: 1 full and 6 incremental backup versions, then again 1 full and 6 incremental versions and so on. The versions will be stored for 1 month. After the period the program analyzes if the oldest backup versions may be deleted. It depends on the version chain consistency. To keep the consistency, the program deletes the oldest versions by chains “1 full + 6 incremental backup versions” after creating a new analogous version chain.
Backup scheduler setting: daily
Result: you have backup versions for every day of the last month
Required storage space: depends on the number of versions and their sizes