The Files setting defines the names of files to clean with System Clean-up wizard and can be used with a search string.
Under the Windows operating system, a search string can represent a full or partial filename. A search string can contain any alphanumeric symbols, including commas and Windows wildcard symbols, and can have values similar to the following:
- *.* – to clean all files with any file names and extensions.
- *.doc – to clean all files with a specific extension – Microsoft document files in this case .
- read*.* – to clean all files with any extensions, and names beginning with “read”.
- read?.* – to clean all files having five-letter names and any extensions, names beginning with “read”; the fifth letter is random.
The last search string, for example, will result in the removal of read1.txt, ready.doc files, but readyness.txt will remain with its longer name (excluding the extension)
You can enter several different search strings separated by semicolons; for example:
*.bak;*.tmp;*.~~~ (without spaces between the search strings)
All files with names corresponding to at least one of the search strings will be cleaned.
Upon entering the Files setting value, you can browse the files matching the search strings. To do this, click Show Files. You will see a window with the names of the found files. These files will be cleaned.